Vindex, Homo Hubris, And Authenticity

°°°°°°° An examination of Vindex, Homo Hubris, and authenticity in the National Socialist writings of David Myatt, by the authors of “The Imagined Emotionology Of Mr Henry”. {1} °°°°°°° Vindex, Homo Hubris, Myatt, And Authenticity °°°°°°° {1} The Imagined Emotionology Of Mr Henry. °°°°°°°

The Imagined Emotionology Of Mr Henry

°°°°°°° A balanced riposte to a 2024 essay titled David Myatt’s Imagined Emotionology, his Striving for Authentic Aryan Emotional Communities, and the Dishonourable Wulstan Tedder, by academic Clive Henry who applies various fairly recently developed categories, causal abstractions, to describe Myatt and the idea of a rural racially-based homeland which Myatt wrote about toward theContinue reading “The Imagined Emotionology Of Mr Henry”

David Myatt’s Vindex: The Destiny Of The West

°°°°°° There is a new facsimile version of Myatt’s Vindex: The Destiny Of The West on archive dot org which has only Myatt’s text with the items before and after it in Liberty Bell magazine removed. It’s at The blurb at archive dot org is: <quote> In the interests of scholarly research into post-WWIIContinue reading “David Myatt’s Vindex: The Destiny Of The West”

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