Vindex, Homo Hubris, And Authenticity

°°°°°°° An examination of Vindex, Homo Hubris, and authenticity in the National Socialist writings of David Myatt, by the authors of “The Imagined Emotionology Of Mr Henry”. {1} °°°°°°° Vindex, Homo Hubris, Myatt, And Authenticity °°°°°°° {1} The Imagined Emotionology Of Mr Henry. °°°°°°°

The Imagined Emotionology Of Mr Henry

°°°°°°° A balanced riposte to a 2024 essay titled David Myatt’s Imagined Emotionology, his Striving for Authentic Aryan Emotional Communities, and the Dishonourable Wulstan Tedder, by academic Clive Henry who applies various fairly recently developed categories, causal abstractions, to describe Myatt and the idea of a rural racially-based homeland which Myatt wrote about toward theContinue reading “The Imagined Emotionology Of Mr Henry”

Signs Of Our Era

°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°° It is no longer surprising, for me and for a minority of others, how many people in this modern technological age: § seem to lack the ability to use logical reasoning when writing about or discussing a subject; § do not research a subject for themselves using scholarly methodology and primary sources; §Continue reading “Signs Of Our Era”

Greco-Roman Human Sacrifice

°°°°°°° A Classical Appreciation Of Acausality The essay is about human sacrifice in classical – Greco-Roman – times and is taken from Myatt’s 2017 monograph Classical Paganism And The Christian Ethos {1} and makes interesting reading especially as it invokes the concept of the acausal. {2} {1} (i) Gratis open access document: (ii) PrintedContinue reading “Greco-Roman Human Sacrifice”

Fairness And Fallacies

°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°° For centuries in the lands of the West the virtue of fairness has been admired with its cultivation in the individual regarded as a necessity for a civilized, cultured, society, based as the virtue was on restrained personal behaviour. The virtue was enshrined in one of the principles of Western jurisprudence: that theContinue reading “Fairness And Fallacies”

Decline And Fall Of American Hegemony

°°°°°°°°° Why American Hegemony Will Decline And Fall The basic reason why the entity correctly described as the American hegemony will decline and fall is that it has not only lost its moral compass but also has descended to a Machiavellian level of hypocrisy by manipulation of the mass media, by propaganda, and by underhandContinue reading “Decline And Fall Of American Hegemony”

O9A Primary Sources And The Fallacy Of Appeal To Authority

°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°° For convenience we have combined our last two related posts – Perception Of The O9A, and The Fallacy Of Appeal To Authority – into a pdf file. °°°°°°° O9A Primary Sources And The Fallacy Of Appeal To Authority °°°°°°°°°

The Fallacy Of Appeal To Authority

°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°° The Fallacy Of Appeal To Authority °°°°°°°°° The fallacy of appeal to authority, also known as the fallacy of Argumentum ad Verecundiam, is somewhat misunderstood in this age of the Internet. It is not only citing or quoting a person or persons who is the regarded, by the person citing or quoting orContinue reading “The Fallacy Of Appeal To Authority”

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