ONA Occult Fiction And Aesthetic


Two classic ONA texts: (i) The Occult Fiction of The Order of Nine Angles (2008) and (ii) Regarding The Aesthetic Of The Order Of Nine Angles (2017).


ONA Occult Fiction And Aesthetic


The ISD O9A Report: An Analysis

Richard Moult, Atu III (The Empress)


The ISD O9A Report: An Analysis


We make no apologies for republishing an updated version of a previous 2022 article since it is an analysis of the report on the Order of Nine Angles (ONA, O9A) by The Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) which has been cited and quoted from by a propaganda article about the O9A and the case of Angel Almeida which is currently (October 2023) being republished in the mainstream and other media around the world in various formats, some of which include sub-headings such as “Warning. Distressing Content” and footers giving “hotline” contact numbers for those distressed by the topic.

One mass circulation newspaper misleadingly called the ISD “a non-profit human rights organization based in London” whereas it is funded by Microsoft and various governments including those of Britain and America and in reality is one of those NGOs, “non-government organizations” or policy groups, which are not only a front for corporate enterprises (in this case Microsoft) but also exist and are financed to persuade people to accept various government policies, government opinions, and the interference of Western governments around the world.



A Reminder

Source: A Minor Example


A reminder, not for the few who “already know”, but for the curious few who occasionally for whatever reason might chance upon this blog.

εἶτα τὸν τὰ χαλεπὰ γνῶναι δυνάμενον καὶ μὴ ῥᾴδια ἀνθρώπῳ γιγνώσκειν τοῦτον σοφόν
Yet the wise person is the one able to understand such complex matters as seem incomprehensible to other human beings


The Usual Hate Actors

Richard Moult: Atu XX (Aeon)
Richard Moult: Atu XX (Aeon)


Given the latest Media campaign about the O9A, centred on the case of Angel Almeida, {1} we reproduce below an article from December of last year (2022) in which we referenced an item from a non-O9A source about Sutter.

The item names the main Hate-Actors behind the anti-O9A Establishment narrative, with the term Hate-Actors in our view appropriate to describe them and their prejudice and hatred. A hatred and prejudice evident in their unproven malicious allegations based on Sutter’s vile black propaganda; on their propagandistic use of fallacies of reasoning such as the fallacies of composition and of appeal to authority; and on their abject refusal to cite primary O9A sources {2} and any mention of how their allegations have been repeatedly refuted since 2018. {3}

The term Hate-Actors is appropriated from the decades-long ongoing antifascist campaign against so-called “Far Right extremism” which is based on invented categories – causal abstractions – such as “hate speech”, “hate actors”, “extremism”, “harmful content”, and of course “racism”, a fact explained in the sections (a) ‘Continuing The Cycle Of Suffering’ and (b) ‘Dissecting Anti-Fascist Abstractions’ in the 2021 article Deconstructing Antifascism, Refounding Western Paganism. {4}


{1} https://theo9away.wordpress.com/2023/09/29/return-of-the-anti-o9a-narrative/

{2} Refer to (a) Academia And The Order Of Nine Angles, https://theo9away.files.wordpress.com/2023/09/academia-o9a.pdf and (b) https://theo9away.files.wordpress.com/2023/06/longusian-primary-sources.pdf

{3} See for example (i) Disproving Allegations Against The O9Aincluded in https://theo9away.files.wordpress.com/2021/12/o9a-side-of-story.pdf, and (ii) Hypocrisy, Propaganda, And The Downfall Of The Establishment in https://theo9away.files.wordpress.com/2022/12/heresy-second.pdf

{4} Deconstructing Antifascism, Refounding Western Paganism, https://theo9away.files.wordpress.com/2023/10/deconstructing-antifascism-v5.pdf


A New Development

In interesting news, the FBI-Sutter-O9A story has been picked up by the American based VeteransToday (VT) media outlet which on December 15, 2022 published an investigation into the case. {1}

According to their report, “prior to 2018, special interest groups” demanded Western governments dismantle the rapidly growing so-called White nationalist movement, resulting “in the FBI, in conjunction with intelligence services around the world”, targetting the O9A by using Sutter’s Tempel ov Blood and Martinet Press which, according to the VT report, the FBI financed, with Sutter “a long-time professional FBI operative […] employed by the FBI since 2003.”

These “special interest groups” include Britain’s so-called “Hope Not Hate” (HnH) and the US-based Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL), who have been at the forefront of the post-2018 campaign against the O9A and against Mr Myatt, and who with the help of journalists such as A.C. Thompson, Jake Hanrahan and Ali Winston, manufactured and spread what is now the Establishment orthodoxy – the anti-O9A narrative – propagated since 2018 not only by Wikipedia {2} but by Establishment concerns such as the Combating Terrorism Center at the West Point Military Academy, the government and Microsoft funded Institute for Strategic Dialogue, and the NGO (government funded) Counter Extremism Project. {3}

According to the VT report, the journalists “Thompson, Winston and Hanrahan have been used for investigative prerequisites by the FBI in other cases”.

It seems par for the course that (i) Wikipedia, the SPLC, the ADL, and sundry similar others have alleged that VT media is “a pro-Kremlin outlet” which is not only “anti-Semitic” but which also promotes “Holocaust denial”, and (ii) savants of the Establishment have spread ‘black propaganda’ about some of its editors and contributors such as Gordon Duff, a Marine combat veteran.

{1} http://tinyurl.com/2p9dz4r7

{2} For an overview, refer to section III of O9A: Propaganda, Fallacies, And Wikipedia, included (pp.33-34) in O9A: A Modern Heresy available at https://theo9away.files.wordpress.com/2022/12/heresy-second.pdf

Further details are provided in Appendix III: Wikipedia: Part Of The Establishment, of the text Hypocrisy, Propaganda, And The Downfall Of The Establishment, which is included (pp.12-26) in O9A: A Modern Heresy, op.cit.

{3} A summary is given in section II of O9A: Propaganda, Fallacies, And Wikipedia. It is included (pp.28-33) in O9A: A Modern Heresy, op. cit.


Return Of the Anti-O9A Narrative


The O9A is headline news again from The UK’s Guardian newspaper to the New York Post courtesy of a well-known antifascist and propagandist for the FBI who uses the criminal case of degenerate New York resident Angel Almeida to smear the Order of Nine Angles simply because the degenerate had some O9A literature and founded some internet group which the FBI claimed, without providing any evidence, was “an offshoot of the Order of Nine Angles”. {1}

Although a previous essay of ours reviewed the accusations when Almeida was initially arrested {2} this new public Establishment attack on the O9A is unsurprisingly given that one of the methods used by their propagandists is the Big Lie (große Lüge) Technique which is when a lie or accusation – or several lies or accusations – about a person, or persons, or group, is or are repeated so often by so many and by various means that a large proportion of people accept the lie(s) or accusation(s) as fact even though nothing probative – no evidence based on primary sources – is ever presented.

The antifascist journalist claims that “documents and sources” assert that the American authorities recognize the O9A as “a terrorist ideology” and that the O9A is connected with murders and attempted terrorist attacks in countries including the US, Britain, Germany, Canada and Russia.

Of course, these “documents and sources” are – in the tradition of gutter-press journalism – not cited with no mention whatsoever made of (i) how the O9A is a philosophy and that a philosophy cannot be held responsible for the actions or the writings of degenerates or for their misunderstanding of O9A philosophy, and (ii) of how no O9A primary sources {3} condone what the antifascist journalist and others claim about the O9A in such matters as “accelerationism” {4} and sexual abuse. {5}

The New York Post does, however, cite a source regarding accusations about the O9A: a report by the Establishment funded and CIA-linked Institute for Strategic Dialogue and which report has been comprehensibly debunked. {6}

As to why there is such a concerted long-lasting anti-O9A campaign by the mass media to discredit the O9A, as we wrote a while ago:

“One of the reasons the O9A has been targeted by propaganda produced and distributed by Establishment institutions such as the ‘Combating Terrorism Center’ at the West Point Military Academy and by the government and Microsoft funded Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) is that the O9A has developed to become an alternative Western subculture whose alternative beliefs include a rejection of multiculturalism, of capitalism, of the nation-State; and which promotes the celebration of one’s own ancestral folk/ethnic culture [and] whose alternative values include a code of kindred honour and the ancient classical ideal of καλὸς-κἀγαθός.” {7}

29 September 2023


{1} An “offshoot” in what way? A self-proclaimed derivative, by the accused, of the O9A? An accusation by others that it is a derivative of the O9A? If either, where is the documentation? Since the O9A is an esoteric philosophy which has developed into a subculture – qv. https://archive.org/download/subculture_complete/o9a-subculture-complete.pdf (59 Mb) – how is this derivative linked to either O9A philosophy or O9A subculture?

{2} Establishment Propagandists Attack O9A Again, https://theo9away.files.wordpress.com/2023/02/more-propaganda-v1a.pdf

{3} Refer to (a) Academia And The Order Of Nine Angles, https://theo9away.files.wordpress.com/2023/09/academia-o9a.pdf and {b} https://theo9away.files.wordpress.com/2023/06/longusian-primary-sources.pdf

{4} Refer to Accelerationism, Replacement, Asabiyyah, And The Aeonic Perspective in https://archive.org/download/O9A-Side-Of-TheStory-2018-2023/o9a-disgrace-v9.pdf

{5} Refer for example to Guide To Anti-Fascist Lies About The O9A, https://web.archive.org/web/20210516052421/https://omega9alpha.files.wordpress.com/2021/04/guide-lies-about-o9a-v3.pdf

The reality is that the O9A considers such degenerates as suitable opfers. See for example https://web.archive.org/web/20210516053858/https://omega9alpha.files.wordpress.com/2015/12/culling-o9a-code-v3.pdf

{6} Refer to The ISD Report in https://theo9away.files.wordpress.com/2023/04/wikipedia-establishment-o9a.pdf

Here is a summary of some of the main points:

{7} https://theo9away.files.wordpress.com/2023/04/wikipedia-establishment-o9a.pdf


Fourteenth Century Terrorism By Sorcery?

Septenary: Ghayat al-Hakim
Septenary: Ghayat al-Hakim

<quote>Imago ad destruendum civitatem. Fiat imago sub hora Saturni eo quod est infortuna sub ascendente illius civitatis, et infortune sint in eo et cum domino ascendentis et cum domino domus domini ascendentis similiter; et removeas 35 fortunas ab ascendente et eius domino et a triplicitate ascendentis necnon a 4, 7, et 10 similiter. Et cum imaginem sic feceris, sub terra earn in medio civitatis; et videbis mirabilia.</quote> Picatrix, Liber Primus, Capitulum 5


O9A Strikes Back!


The Occult Phantom Menace – harbinger of the Second Satanic Panic – strikes again! Apparently someone in Finland accused of using 3D printers to manufacture weapons had some material inspired by the Order of Nine Angles (O9A).

“Pääepäiltynä pidetty 28-vuotias mies hankki käsiinsä Kankaanpään terrorismitutkintaan liitetyn 21 polkua pimeyden valtakuntaan-kirjan ja muuta samaan Order of Nine Angles (Ona) satanistisuuntaukseen liittyvää materiaalia.”

We’re not told exactly what the material was only that “Hän kuitenkin korosti, ettei ole tehnyt kirjassa opastettuja asioita.”

The journalistic and Establishment conclusion is that he and his “terrorist” accomplices must have been inspired by the O9A because, for example, it’s well-known that those who are found to have copies of The Communist Manifesto in their possession are communist terrorists inspired by Marx and Engels. For good measure, the article includes the antifascist trope, the lie, that the O9A supports “accelerationism”. {1}


{1} qv. Accelerationism, Replacement, Asabiyyah, And The Aeonic Perspective https://theo9away.files.wordpress.com/2023/08/aeonic-perspective.pdf

See also Myth Of The Great Replacement And The Quest For Lapis Philosophicus https://theo9away.files.wordpress.com/2023/09/replacement-myth.pdf


Academia And The Order Of Nine Angles


A 48 page compilation of recent articles about the Order of Nine Angles and academia.

* Introduction
* Part One: Another Academic Misunderstanding?
* Part Two: The O9A And Academia, 2023
* Part Three: The Sinisterly-Numinous Occult Tradition
* Part Four: The Star Game
* Appendix: Esoteric And Exoteric Languages


Academia And The Order Of Nine Angles


Esoteric and Exoteric Languages


O9A: The Nine Angles
The Nine Angles


We republish here a seminal, if neglected, two-part esoteric text by Anton Long dating from 2011. It discusses the differences between Esoteric and Exoteric Languages, with The Star Game {1} an example of an Esoteric Language. He writes that an esoteric language is basically “a particular means of communication dependant on certain esoteric (Occult) skills/abilities, and which language is often non-verbal in nature and often employs symbols (as in The Star Game) or affective aliquantals of acausal energy, as in Esoteric-empathy” and goes to explain what is meant by aliquantals. The work also discusses gender and plurality in regard to posited acausal entities.


Esoteric and Exoteric Languages


{1} An illustrated guide to The Star Game is available at: https://theo9away.files.wordpress.com/2022/10/star-game-101.pdf


The Original Order Of Nine Angles


Screenshot From Naos


It is perhaps unfortunate that the simplicity of both the esoteric philosophy and the Seven Fold Way of Anton Long has apparently been lost over the decades. What I prefer to call ONA 1.0 – the first iteration or release or version of “the order of nine angles” – was in 1989 with the publication of the 127 page Naos text and was succeeded, after several pre-2.0 “beta” versions beginning around 1998, by ONA 2.0 in 2007 with the establishment of the “nineangles” weblog, then by ONA 3.0 in December 2010 with the publication of 981 page ‘The Requisite ONA’, and finally by O9A 4.0 in December 2014 with the publication of the 1460 page seventh edition of ‘The Definitive Guide To The Order of Nine Angles’.

ONA 1.0 was contained in the Naos MS and supplemented by the novels of the Deofel Quintet published between 1976 and 1992, and which six texts were all that were required for an individual or a partnership to embark upon the Seven Fold Way and complete a study of ONA esotericism.

For the esoteric philosophy and Seven Fold Way of Anton Long were originally outlined in part one of the typewritten texts that were collected under the title Naos – A Practical Guide To Modern Magick and publicly distributed in a first edition of 63 spiral bound copies in 1989. A second edition was issued in 1990 by Brekekk which, apart from the covers and a contact address, was identical to the 1989 version and it was from this edition that a digital facsimile was made and distributed as a gratis pdf document.

Although the title Physis Magick was significant – referencing as it did the physis of the Pymander tractate of the Corpus Hermeticism – it was not explained in the Naos text nor publicly explained by Anton Long or by his students until over two decades later. Neither was it referred to in the 1980s or subsequently by O9A critics or academics who for whatever reason ignored the reference.

What was interesting and in hindsight important about ONA 1.0 was that there was no overt satanism; no insight roles; no dialectic of interference in the world by means of politics or otherwise; no support for whatever reason of National Socialism; no Labyrinthos Mythologicus; no labyrinthine esotericism; no polemics against other occultists of whatever tradition or none; no propaganda designed to “sell” the ONA; and no references to opposing a “magian ethos”.

This lack of complication, lack of propaganda, and lack of causal abstractions was obvious in the novels that formed The Deofel Quintet (TDQ) for they were concerned with individuals and their interactions with other individuals as well as with sorcery or magick with this sorcery assuming a variety of forms from conventional ceremonial (group and satanic and sexual) ritual – as in Falcifer – to hidden ancestral and communal – as in The Giving – to empathic and Rounwytha-like and Sapphic in ‘Breaking The Silence Down’. In TDQ, politics and political revolution and the overthrow of society make no appearance, and while satanism both conventional and otherwise does, it is left to the reader to decide what it means for the individual as for example in Falcifer where it is hinted it may be a charade or possibly a gateway to some ‘dark gods’ ancient or archetypal or otherwise.

This lack of explanation, of commentary, was in my view and that of a few others a most redeeming esoteric feature. Thus, presented here as a self-contained gratis document are the texts of ONA 1.0 enabling those interested to follow the simple modern ONA way of sorcery.


ONA 1.0
(49Mb pdf)

1. The Original Order Of Nine Angles
2. Naos – A Practical Guide To Modern Magick
3. Falcifer
4. Breaking The Silence Down
5. The Greyling Owl
6. The Giving
7. The Temple of Satan


Omega9Alpha In Perspective

The Star Game


The pdf document below includes the new text The Sinisterly-Numinous Occult Tradition which expands upon the recently published Another Academic Misunderstanding?


OmegaNineAlpha In Perspective


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