Hypocrisy, Propaganda, And The Downfall Of The Establishment

°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°° Given that the Counter Extremism Project report on the O9A is currently doing the rounds on social media and has been cited in the mainstream Media and, of course, in the Wikipedia article on the Order of Nine Angles now edited (censored) by zealous antifascists, we republish here an analysis of that report.Continue reading “Hypocrisy, Propaganda, And The Downfall Of The Establishment”

A New Development

°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°° In interesting news, the FBI-Sutter-O9A story has been picked up by the American based VeteransToday (VT) media outlet which on December 15, 2022 published an investigation into the case. {1} According to their report, “prior to 2018, special interest groups” demanded Western governments dismantle the rapidly growing so-called White nationalist movement, resulting “inContinue reading “A New Development”

Hypocrisy, Propaganda, And The Establishment

°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°° Hypocrisy, Propaganda, And The Downfall Of The Establishment (pdf) A brief analysis of an item about the Order of Nine Angles (O9A, ONA) written and published by the Counter Extremism Project which is an NGO (a non-profit non-governmental organization) which has full-time employees in offices in New York and Brussels. °°°°°°°°°

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