Vindex, Homo Hubris, And Authenticity

°°°°°°° An examination of Vindex, Homo Hubris, and authenticity in the National Socialist writings of David Myatt, by the authors of “The Imagined Emotionology Of Mr Henry”. {1} °°°°°°° Vindex, Homo Hubris, Myatt, And Authenticity °°°°°°° {1} The Imagined Emotionology Of Mr Henry. °°°°°°°

The Imagined Emotionology Of Mr Henry

°°°°°°° A balanced riposte to a 2024 essay titled David Myatt’s Imagined Emotionology, his Striving for Authentic Aryan Emotional Communities, and the Dishonourable Wulstan Tedder, by academic Clive Henry who applies various fairly recently developed categories, causal abstractions, to describe Myatt and the idea of a rural racially-based homeland which Myatt wrote about toward theContinue reading “The Imagined Emotionology Of Mr Henry”

Omega9Alpha News

°°°°°°° Re-publishing three issues of the now defunct newsletter ‘Omega9Alpha News’. The contents of the August 2022 issue include: * ‘Treating The O9A Like Al-Qaeda’, which summarizes and debunks the claims made by prosecutors against Matthew Belanger and Ethan Melzer; * ‘Gutter-Press Smears’, and in particular those made by antifascist journalist Justin Ling. The contentsContinue reading “Omega9Alpha News”

A New Round Of Propaganda

°°° °°° °°° In view of a new round of propaganda (re-telling of the Establishment Anti-O9A Narrative) about the Order of Nine Angles in the mainstream media and trumpeted on ‘social media’, we republish an item from 2023 about an Anti-Establishment heretic who is alleged to be the founder and “main ideologue” of the O9A.Continue reading “A New Round Of Propaganda”

How To Spot a Pretender

°°° °°° °°° °°° °°° °°° How To Spot a Pretender °°° An article from 2011 still relevant today: qv. Entrapment. °°° °°° °°°

To Entrap Or To Not Entrap

°°° °°° °°° To Entrap Or Not To Entrap °°° °°° °°° This selection of screenshots from an X (formerly Twitter) social media account is interesting in regard to the Order of Nine Angles (O9A) because it has come to light that two, possibly three or four, of the individuals replied to were informants forContinue reading “To Entrap Or To Not Entrap”

Myatt, Savitri Devi, And Those Above Time

In 1958 the esoteric Hitlerite Savitri Devi published a book titled The Lightning And the Sun, in which she expounded her belief that there were three fundamental types of influential men in human history. She termed these types “in Time”, “against Time” and “above Time” giving as examples of those types Genghis Khan, Adolf Hitler,Continue reading “Myatt, Savitri Devi, And Those Above Time”

Noema Of The O9A

°°°°°°°°° Noema Of The O9A °°°°°°°°° The noema (νόημα) of the Order of Nine Angles (O9A, ONA) is the rational perception, the perceiveration, the knowledge, attained through personal study and research using primary source material as opposed to the perception provided by third-parties – a person, persons, or group – many of whom have theirContinue reading “Noema Of The O9A”

Allegations About The O9A

°°° Allegations About The Order Of Nine Angles: An Analysis °°°°°°°°° An analysis and refutation, using primary sources, of allegations made about the Order of Nine Angles  (O9A, ONA) by various government agencies and policy groups since 2019. Preface. Chapter One: The United States Department of Justice.Chapter Two: The FBI.Chapter Three: The Institute for StrategicContinue reading “Allegations About The O9A”

Advocate Of The Deofel

O9A: Advocate Of The Deofel °°°°°°°°° There are several unreported and significant aspects of the criminal case against Ethan Melzer, which case is not only (i) being used by the US government to establish a legal basis for the Order of Nine Anges (O9A, ONA) being an ‘extremist ideology’ linked to terrorism which should beContinue reading “Advocate Of The Deofel”

Ethan Melzer: A Cautionary Tale

°°°°°°°°° The case of Ethan Melzer is a classic example of: (i) why followers of O9A philosophy do not trust people they have not personally known for some time; (ii) why the Internet, and especially social media, encrypted messaging applications and e-mails, are flawed if occasionally useful causal mediums, and (iii) what following an esotericContinue reading “Ethan Melzer: A Cautionary Tale”

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